ning before/aftercare
Important Reminder:
DO NOT USE DOVE SOAP! This goes for before your appointment as well as after. Dove can cause your skin to have a green hue when spray tan solution is applied. Dove will also remove a spray tan if used after. The recommended drugstore brand to extend the life of your tan is Cetaphil. (Both their shower gel and lotion/cream.)
Before Your Appointment
Exfoliate and Shave the night before your appointment. If sugaring/waxing, you will want to do this 2 days prior to your spray tanning appointment.
The morning of your appointment, you should shower (do not use Dove soap!). However, don’t apply anything to your skin following your shower. This includes, lotion, deodorant, skincare, or makeup. You should arrive to your appointment with clean dry skin.
Wear loose dark clothing. You will want to avoid any tight clothing following your appointment while your spray tan develops. This includes yoga pants as well as bras. Anything that will rub against your skin could effect the outcome of your tan.
Disposable bras and underwear (thong style) will be provided at your appointment if you choose to use them. Some people prefer to go naked. However if you’re worried about feeling exposed, feel free to wear an old swimsuit or wear your own underwear during your appointment. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable! Anyone under 18 years old will be required to wear a swimsuit.
After Your Appointment
Your tan will take 12 hours to fully develop. During that time, it is recommended that you wear loose clothing. The solution does not smell and will not stain clothing or sheets, so you are free to let your tan develop overnight.
Avoid any activity that will cause your skin to get wet for 12 hours following your appointment. This includes swimming, taking a bath, or exercising/sweating. Also try to avoid going out in the rain if possible as well as crying as both of these can causing streaking.
After a minimum of 12 hours, you will take your first shower. This shower is specifically for rinsing only! Do not wash your hair or use any soap/shower gel. Literally just rinse! You will notice your bronzer rinsing off in the shower, this is totally normal and does not affect your tan.
To extend the life of your tan, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Always apply lotion following showers.